01. The winner is Apius forum Open!
The Winner is Apius Forum Open! The emotions after Apius Forum Open 2020 are still alive. Nevertheless, it can be already said today that this event made history as the first fully on-line, lasting over 6 hours, and the best IT industry event in Poland!
We promised you a powerful boost of knowledge, experience, fun and great quality and we kept our word!
Thank you for your active participation and so many positive reviews after the conference!
Honestly, we had:
- 600+ conference applications,
- 500+ participants watching the event on YT
- 6h+ of knowledge and practice,
- 17 speakers,
- 12 technological partners,
- 70 new subscribers to the Apius channel on YT.
The videos from individual sessions and backstage videos will soon be available on YT.